
Girls' Volleyball
Girls participate in athletic contests through SEAC. Practices with Coach Delaney Doell begin in August and continue through October. Practices and home games occur in the Winfield Central gymnasium.
Registration Form
Volleyball Schedule
Locations of Games
Co-Ed Soccer
Boys and Girls participate in co-ed athletic contests through the SEAC. Practices take place at Lions Park beginning in August and continuing through October. Coach Megan McDermott. Due to the construction at Lions Park practices will be held at East Street Park and home games will be at Glasshagel Fields.
Registration Form
Soccer Schedule
Locations of Games
Boys' Basketball
Boys participate in athletic contests through SEAC.
Practice begins for 7th and 8th grade boys in October and continues through December. Practices and home games occur in the Winfield Central gymnasium.
Coach: Antoine Blake
Students in grades 6 through 8 participate in cheerleading from October through December. The squad is coached by Amanda Burt and cheers for the boys basketball home games which are played at Winfield Central gymnasium.
Girls' Basketball
6th, 7th and 8th grade girls participate in athletic contests through SEAC.
Practices begin in January. Practices and home games occur in the Winfield Central gymnasium.
Coach: Delaney Doell
Directions to Away Games
Boys' Volleyball
Boys participate in athletic contests through SEAC. Begins in March. Practices and home games occur in the Winfield Central gymnasium.
Boys Volleyball Registration Form
Boy's Volleyball Schedule
Boys Volleyball Concussion Form
Directions to Away Games
Track and Field
Students in grades 6 through 8 participate in athletic contests from April through May. Practices occur at Winfield Central with Coach Steve Kahlfeldt.
Track Registration Form
Track Schedule
Track Meet Driving Directions
Track Letter Explaining our Track Season this Year
Summer Camps
Boys and Girls Basketball. Entering 4th- 6th Graders. 9:00-10:30 A.M.
Registration Form and Concussion Form
Boys and Girls Volleyball. Entering 6th-8th Graders. 11:00 - 12:30 P.M.
Registration Form and Concussion Form