Mr. Kahlfeldt (MS Social Studies)

Steve Kahlfeldt
I knew I wanted to become a teacher when I was in grade school (St. Michael's Wheaton). I remember dressing up for Career Day in 5th grade and then visiting the education booth at the Career Fair when attending St. Francis High School (Wheaton). I worked towards it when I completed my undergraduate history and education courses at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign ('98), and it became a reality that September when I joined the staff at St. John the Baptist in Winfield for three years. After two years at St. James in Glen Ellyn, I was hired here at Winfield in August 2003. After two years of PE, I finally got my dream job of teaching Social Studies. I've had fun ever since and was able to get my Masters in Literacy from Northern Illinois University ('09). I am married with two daughters and a lab mix.
Integrated Routines
All 6th-8th: Daily Herald Mondays (Rotating website, digital newspaper, News In Education skill features),CNN student news video Wednesdays, Geography Questions Thursdays and Fridays.
Units of Study
6th Grade: Components of a Civilization, Our current and global varying civilizations, Ancient Civilizations
7th Grade: Geography, Economics, US Government and Constitution. There are weekly geography reports (countries, states, landforms, water features, US and world cities) and takehome map quizzes.
8th grade: IL Government and Constitution, US History (1788 to the Present)
September -6th Grade Personal Timeline project
September - 7th Grade Community Geography Activity
September - 8th Grade Summer Events Headline display project
October - 6th Grade classroom culture sharing & archaeology dig project
November - Mock election & other election themed projects every other year
December - Classroom level competition of Geography Bee
January - 4th-8th grades School level competition of Geography Bee
February - 7th Grade Energy skits
February - 7th-8th grades Cantigny American Legion US Constitution speech contest
March - 6th Grade Field Museum Field Trip - Chicago, IL
March - Action figure mummification with 6th graders
April - Third Trimester Issue Awareness & Solution project
May - Weeklong US Society Group Presentations by 8th graders
Google Classroom -Homework Doc
Daily learning targets, homework and announcements are written on the front classroom whiteboard. Students should fill in their assignment notebooks at the beginning of the class period each day. The middle school daily assignments link and Teacherease are updated regularly.
Materials needed each day for all 6th-8th grade students include their assignment notebook, folder (with looseleaf), notebook, district IPAD, district binder and pencil case. Textbooks are kept in the classroom.
a | 90 - 100% |
b | 80 - 89% |
c | 70 - 79% |
d | 60 - 69% |
f | 0 - 59% |