Academic Interventions and Supports

All students are expected to make academic gains from the beginning to the conclusion of each school year. Individual growth is of highest priority. To accomplish this, Winfield School District will make use of the Response to Intervention (RtI) process to address any academic concern that affects an individual or a group of students. RtI is a process that ensures all children have access to a level of instruction that meets with academic success. The first level of instruction (Tier I) is our general core programming available to all students. A second level of instruction (Tier II) might be necessary for small groups of students who are not showing expected growth with core programming alone, and need more support and time to master skills. Finally, for those students who continue to show a slower than expected rate of growth, or whose level of performance is so discrepant from their same-grade peers that individualized programming is necessary, a third level of intense instruction/intervention (Tier III) is warranted. Tier III level of support is typically defined as daily supplemental instruction within a small group of up to three total students.

The SST, in collaboration with building staff, provide opportunities for all students to receive additional academic enrichment, supports, and intervention. The process is implemented through a Response to Intervention (RTI) framework. This framework includes screening assessments to show growth, and specialized interventions that are determined by a school-based problem solving team.